Melbourne buildings

In April 2022, the Corona Pandemic finally subsided and various countries were opening up, so we went to Australia for two weeks. We went to Sydney, Tasmania, and Melbourne.

It was my first time in Melbourne, and I didn’t know what it was like, but it is Australia’s second largest city and was chosen as the “most livable city in the world”.

It is an artistic city. Multinational cultures offer very delicious fusion dishes – Asian counties such as India, China, Japan, and Vietnam. Due to British influences as a former colony, British and European culture are still dominant.

Melbourne architecture is very attractive.  You find stylish modern buildings right next to  majestic old buildings. Instead of a subway system, trams run through the city which are decorated in artistic advertisements. People seem relaxed and very kind.

We had one special but heartwarming incident while taking a tram. We wanted to go to a famous beach but somehow, we ended up at the wrong place. The tram station was the final stop, so we asked the tram driver for directions. He was very kind to explain to go all the way back to where we started first and take a different tram line. So, we got back on the same tram. When the tram came to the stop where we needed to change, the driver used the tram speaker to announce “Here is where you need to change the tram. Have a good day.”  We were happily surprised by such a professional service. In some other places, this would never happen. Hat’s off to the wonderful tram driver.  He made our day.

Melbourne has many cafes, and the coffee culture is state of the art.  Australian coffee is super delicious. Compared to the American coffee, the roast is milder, and the milk foam are silkier. It’s an addictive brew.

There are many markets selling fresh products which resemble European markets.

On the last night in Melbourne, we decided to celebrate the last day with Bubbly and appetizers. We bought the cheese and ham platter from a Spanish deli in this market. Iberico ham ($30 per 100g ) was pretty expensive but exquisite.

I recommend Melbourne if you haven’t been there yet.