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Int’l Dishes

My husband and I love traveling and eating local foods. We have been tried a lot of delicious things in many places.

I have traveled Europe from Norway in the north to Greece in the south and most countries in between. Of these I must say that Italy has had the greatest influence on my cooking interests. These foods are generally simple but always delicious.

I lived on both coasts of the U.S. and have eaten my way across as well as through the southwest, northeast, northwest and Midwest.  The strongest food influences for me was California.

My bucket list keep getting bigger.

The dishes I introduce here will be the dishes that we tried and liked in different countries, and learned from my friends.  I arranged the dishes so that I could reproduce the original taste.

My recipes are very simple and quick to make. These dishes taste “authentic” but don’t need lots of expensive foreign ingredients.  

I started this food blog because  I wanted more people to enjoy International fusion food which is simple at home.

These recipes are great for family dinners, casual get togethers and parties. I do not like to spend too much time in the kitchen and my recipes are quickly made (mostly less than 30 min) and give the cook enough time to enjoy the gathering.

If you want to share your recipe, please send me. I will post it for you.

Buon Appetito