Lemon Cream Shrimp on Toast

At Ala Moana Shopping Center, it used to be a very cool looking restaurant called “Longhi’s” Everytime I go there I ordered this dish. Today’s fish over butter toast. That recipe was a piece of white fish and butter sauce. My arrangement is with shrimp and cream sauce. It is pretty close what I had then. Enjoy.

Lemon Cream Shrimp on Toast

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Course AppetizersCuisine FrenchDifficulty: Average


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  • 1 cup Shrimp (frozen/ thawed)

  • 3 TBS white wine

  • 1 clove garlic (diced)

  • 2 TBS onion (diced)

  • 1 TBS Butter (olive oil)

  • 1/2 cup Fresh cream

  • 1 tsp chicken stock powder

  • 1 tsp lemon juice (and zest if you have)

  • Salt Pepper

  • Parsley, paprika (option)

  • 4 pieces French bread (sliced)

  • 2 TBS Butter


  • Thaw out frozen shrimp and cut into bite size. Put white wine.
  • Dice garlic and onion.
  • Heat frying pan over med heat, put oil or butter and sauté onion and gallic.
  • Add Shrimp (without wine) and cook a few minutes.
  • When shrimp is getting clear, add white wine, cream and chicken stock powder. Put lemon juice. Salt pepper to your taste.
  • If you want to make thicker sauce, you can add butter and flour mixture to the pan.
  • Prepare the butter toast. In a frying pan, add butter. Cook French bread over med heat until golden brown.
  • On a plate, place the bread and put cream shrimp on top. Garnish with parsley and paprika.