When you have yellow cup cakes, or any store bought sponge cakes, add azuki (red beans), whipped cream and Maccha (green tea powder) and that will make a beautiful dessert.
Use already made muffin cakes (or prepare cupcakes in advance)
6cup cakes (yellow cake)
2 cupsWhipped cream
1cupAzuki beans (Anko)
1TBSMaccha powder
2TBSRum or brandy
Use store made cupcakes or bake cup cakes using package cake mix. Bake in advance and cool them in the fridge.
Whip 2 cups of fresh cream to make whipped cream. You can add sugar or honey if you like to make it sweet. You can also add vanilla essence (1/2 tea spoon) too.
Take out sweet beans from the package.
Cut the top part of cake muffins. Brush rum in the center of the cake and put 1 TBS of Azuki beans topped with whipped cream and sprinkle Maccha powder. Place the top part of the cake on the side. (brush rum on the cake if you like)
Make all 6 cup cakes decorating with azuki beans and whipped cream.