Oahu, Hawaii

oahu hawaii


We have lived on Oahu, Hawaii for 22 years, and it is really a nice place to live expect living expenses are high.

Here, people are more relaxed than “Mainland” people (Locals call the contiguous states the Mainland differentiating from Hawaii). Oahu is beautiful, climate is mild, and pleasant trade winds blow.

Of course, we have problems; prices are high, housing is high, homelessness is increasing, roads are not well maintained, work is a little slow. But with the blue sky and blue ocean, you feel relieved.

The pandemic hit Hawaii’s tourism hard. I’m now at home with no work, but now I value my daily small discoveries and appreciate having free time.

Since I’ve been in the corporate world for 20 years, always busy was the natural state, and even though I live in such a beautiful place, I never had time to appreciate the beauty around me.  

Well, I now have time and here are some photos of beautiful Oahu.

I hope that the pandemic will finally end, and the Japanese tourists can return to Hawaii like before.