Steak with Red Wine Reduction Sauce

beef wine sauce

Make it fancy with this red wine reduction sauce.

Steak is delicious simply cooked with salt and pepper, but for a special occasion, this will be a popular dish.

Making this sauce is very easy and can arrange in many ways.

Cooking Tips:

  1. Use red wine you drink, and not “cooking wine.”
  2. Use unsalted butter.
  3. Add sauteed mushrooms to upgrade if you like.

Steak with Red Wine Reduction Sauce

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Course MainCuisine FrenchDifficulty: Average


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  • 2 Tenderloin (or Rib eye) Steaks

  • Salt pepper

  • Olive oil

  • 1/2 cup Red wine

  • 1/4 cup Balsamic vinegar

  • 1 TBS Unsalted Butter


  • Take out the steaks from the fridge at least 30 min before cooking to bring to room temperature.
  • Salt, pepper the steak generously and rub them well. Heat a frying pan on high and add olive oil.
  • Cook one side of the steaks about 3 min (cover with a lid) and then turn and cook about 3 min. Using a tong, cook the sides too. Remove the steak and keep it warm. (wrap in foil)
  • In the same pan, add red wine, balsamic vinegar, and simmer for a few minutes until the liquid reduces to half.
  • Add more butter and season with pepper (or salt).
  • Rest the steak at least 10 min before serving. Serve with the wine sauce.


  • Steak should be at least 1/2 inch or more to get medium to medium rare doneness.

Steak Plating Sample