Street Beef Tacos

Street tacos are a traditional Mexican food made by wrapping meat in tortillas (corn or flour skins). The well-known lettuce and tomatoes version seem to be American.

Nowadays, street tacos are a kind of trendy food which are served at beer bars and restaurants.

I ate my first American style tacos when my husband and I were still dating. He made tacos for me.

Now I think about it, probably he used an instant taco mix.  Taco shells were very crunchy as and went well with cheese, meat, and lettuce. Since I had never eaten Mexican food, I was really impressed and happy with the new taste. Well, I didn’t know that was an instant mix.


Street Beef Tacos

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Course MainCuisine American, MexicanDifficulty: Average


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Cooking time


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  • 1/2 pound Ground beef

  • 1/4 small onion

  • 1 tsp olive oil

  • 1 tsp Chili powder

  • 1/2 tsp Paprika

  • 1/4 tsp Cumin powder

  • 1/2 tsp Oregano leaves

  • 1/2 cup beer

  • 1/2 cup Beef stock and water

  • Salt pepper

  • Soft taco shell and other condiments


  • In a med size pot, put olive oil and cook onion. Add ground beef and sauté.
  • When meat is no longer pink, add all spices and pour beer and stock. Cook until the water is almost gone.
  • Salt pepper to taste. Put the meat in a bowl to serve.
  • Prepare taco shells (soft tortilla) and lettuce, lime and salsa (what you like). Serve.

Tacos Party Plating Sample

Tacos party is fun and casual way to get together. You can make your own favorite – Tacos Rice (like Okinawan dish), tacos salad or everything loaded.